Jan, 2017
De-cluttering to increase square footage
De-cluttering can actually increase your square footage without construction! It will increase the value of your home and result in money in your pocket. So the question is: why wouldn’t you?
Adding visual square footage to your home by de-cluttering is easy. Remove unnecessary furniture, knick-knacks, and “stuff” to create more surface area. You’ll be amazed at how much larger your home will feel!
But, getting started can be part of the issue. It may seem in fact too overwhelming. How can I let go of this bauble someone gave me? Should I keep those different sizes of clothes in my closet in case I loose or gain weight? Do I keep all those tarnished silver trays and bowls that I quit using a decade ago? Have my closets and drawers collected stashed junk over time?
There are many methods to start de-cluttering your home. You might decide to throw away or donate one item or even one box a week. You might tackle a cabinet or closet once a month. A mass spring cleaning is another option. You can put 3 boxes in a spare room or your garage, label them trash, donate or organize and begin filling them up and then once a month finish out the labeled task. Go to our Hocoa Pinterest page for more de-cluttering ideas.
If none of this works for you, then it is time to hire a professional. An organizer pro can take the emotion out of helping you decide what needs to go. They know how to re-organize so you can find things better to increase usability and your frustration for looking endlessly for that missing item. In addition, they can de-clutter and adjust your accessories so they look better. De-cluttering can be made pain free with the help of one of our Home Repair Network professional organizers.
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