By: Dorothy Madans | Tags: | Comments:
Let there be lights to all, good will and peace on earth. If you need help in preparing your home for the holidays, then contact HOCOA to help with anything from hanging outdoor wreaths and lights or delivering a Christmas Tree. I know we come from all backgrounds and religious beliefs, but festive lighting is just so much fun and uplifting. The white classic look has been around for so long, that colored lights have become refreshing and renews my holiday spirit and beliefs.
Use Electrical Tape
If you are using extension cords to string your lights together, wrapping electrical tape around the plugins, will keep the lights from shorting out when wet. Using heavy duty extension cords are also better for outdoor use. If your breakers keep going off, then you probably have too many lights running to one outlet. Disperse your lights out to as many different outlets as possible. |
Be prepared for the cold
Saturday, it we be getting down to 19 degrees in parts of the Southeast. This arctic chill is out of the ordinary for these parts. Prepare with unplugging hoses and putting on faucet protectors. Drip a water faucet inside the house to keep the pipes from freezing. Make sure you have solar or battery powered lights, if we loose electricity.
If your heat and air system goes out, we are on call 24/7. Sometimes this happens because your unit is on overload trying to keep you warm. Rather than upping the temperature, put on an extra sweater and socks. |
Help the Elderly
Lending a helping hand to the elderly, can be quite helpful. Remember the holiday season is about giving. Giving does not have to be a monetary gift. Instead, bring in the groceries with inclement weather, shovel the ice or snow off the sidewalk or help with hanging a decoration or two. This year, my Mother fell and broke her hip. How you say? She simply tripped over the extension cords that were in the box with the ornaments. She didn’t even get the chance to put up one decoration! |
Climb with Safety
Every year thousands of homeowners are sent to the emergency room after falling off a ladder. If you need to climb a ladder to clean your gutters or roof, or are trimming branches or hanging holiday lights, use caution. Always have another adult to help spot you or hold a ladder and if you are feeling unsafe, hire a pro who is expertly trained in ladder safety. Holiday home decoration can take a little extra time to be safe or just rely upon HOCOA with putting up your lights outside, on a tree or hanging a wreath (or taking down). |
Check Smoke Alarms
Holiday cooking and baking, along with candles, distraction that parties create, and a short in your lights on the Christmas Tree can accidentally create unintentional fires. Have a small kitchen fire extinguisher in plain site (so any guest can use it) as well as near the fireplace or any exposed flames.

Let your holiday lights be your beacon to a safe and happy holiday season.
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